Signs of malnutrition,you don't know
If you’re concerned you’re underweight, be
sure you’re familiar with these signs of
malnutrition to be aware of. Malnutrition
can happen before you know it, and
unfortunately I know this from past
experiences. To keep yourself healthy, be
sure you’re aware of these signs of
malnutrition so you don’t become deathly
underweight. Eating disorders affect
millions of men and women everyday and
malnutrition is often a result. Don’t let that
happen to you or someone you love. Stay
aware of these signs of malnutrition so you
and those you love can stay happy and
healthy in 2014!
If every bone in your breastbone is
showing, that is one of the first leading
signs of malnutrition. Being this low in
weight means your body isn’t getting
enough of something, and over time, you’ll
start to notice other signs too. Your body is
low in fat when every bone in your
breastbone shows, which causes you to
look frail and gaunt. I used to struggle with
this myself, and always knew when I
started losing too much weight, it was time
to increase my calories by adding healthy
foods to my diet in higher calorie amounts.
If your body is losing hair pretty quickly, this is
another sign of malnutrition to be aware of.
Losing hair isn’t natural for an extended period
of time, though it might be for a short time. If
you find you’re losing hair more rapidly than
before, be sure your body is getting enough
protein, healthy fats, and good sources of low
glycemic carbs. A protein deficiency, fat
deficiency, and a lack of B vitamins from whole
grains like oats and quinoa can all cause hair
loss. Also, if you don’t tolerate grains, be sure
to take a B supplement instead. High glycemic
carbs can actually cause adrenal exhaustion
and stress, which may cause hair loss. Keep
your diet low glycemic and full of filling
proteins, vegetables, and plenty of antioxidants
so you can stay healthy and keep your
gorgeous hair! The hair is always one of the
first signs that will tell you something is off in
the body nutritionally.
If you suffer constant fatigue and aren’t
eating much, this is one sign of
malnutrition to be aware of that you should
address right away. Constant fatigue is not
only a sign of malnutrition, but also thyroid
function problems, as well as a sign that
your heart can’t keep up with the needs
your body has on a daily basis. Be sure
you’re eating enough, and eating regular
meals to combat this issue firsthand.
If you rarely eat but always have a bloated
belly, this is one sign that you may be
suffering malnutrition. This is a sign your
gut isn’t absorbing the nutrients you
consume, which can cause poor digestion,
bloating, and gas to occur.
Nails that break and tear or even bleed are
another sign your body is missing key
nutrients. Be sure to take proper care of
your body through your diet and get
enough nutrients to meet your body’s
needs. You should focus on healthy
proteins, nuts and seeds, plenty of fruits
and vegetables, and all leafy greens. These
will help build your nails and strengthen
them to prevent tearing.
If all the bones in your back start to show,
this is another sign you are desperately
underweight. Your entire backbone
muscles should never show, especially if
you’re not into bodybuilding or a physical
activity that makes your muscles look
more extended and prominent in the back.
Backbones that show in severely
underweight individuals are a definite sign
of malnutrition, and one of the first things
you should look for if you think you might
be suffering.
Another sign of malnutrition that many
people suffer from is dental issues. Eroding
gums, bleeding gums, losing your teeth,
constant foul breath along with these other
symptoms, and any kind of dental infection
that won’t go away are all signs of
malnutrition. If your diet is very low in
calories, this is one issue that will show up
pretty quickly. Be sure you stay on top of
this issue and try to eat more nutrient
dense foods each and every day. Your
dental health is nothing to play around
with, and you could suffer problems that
affect your entire body later on if you don’t
address the issue now.Malnutrition is not
simply about being thin. It’s about your
body not getting the right nutrients each
day, for whatever reasons. Sometimes,
adding more calories from high quality
foods to your diet can help, but you can
also try taking digestive enzymes to
increase digestion efficiency. This can help
the nutrients you do eat to be absorbed
better, and it can help compromised
digestion that occurs during malnutrition
as well. Have you ever suffered
malnutrition, or do you know someone that
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